My seeds and indoor seed starting kit arrived this past week. Today I finally got a chance to get the whole thing set up.
The kit came from HTG, and included a heat mat, growing medium and trays, lights, and adjustable light stand.
The seeds came from Seed Savers.
This is a pretty simple set up. This bedroom window is South-facing, and hopefully this project will go well. I'll let you know! Tiny plant markers are on order and should be here later this week; meanwhile I made myself a map so I can keep everything straight.
I had an interesting conversation with my parents about starting seeds; apparently they used to start everything in pots on the kitchen windowsill - no grow lights, no heating pad. This was in suburban Maryland. So in California, things should be easy, right? As you know, indoor seed starting is new to me, so I'd appreciate any advice you want to give me. Scattering seed directly in the ground is a whole different thing than these little plugs, I have no idea if I did it right. Time will tell.
I also did some bread baking...
... Tom bottled the cider, finally...
... and we got the vinegar crock set up, with wine, non-chlorinated water, and the mother.
The rest of my time was spent outdoors. I hilled the potatoes with straw, and also gave the asparagus bed a bit too.
Potato bed
Asparagus bed
I put the row covers up, as the next few nights are supposed to be coldish. While I was doing this, I weeded. And I discovered more fun stuff!
I think this mushroom is part of the genus Clitocybe, not sure
Peas are blooming!
It would be nice if weekends would go on forever, yes? Hope you're getting lots of projects done, too!