Spring is the season for little things. Unlike summer, there's no tall, golden corn plants to catch the eye; no bushy, fragrant tomato vines to brush up against. You have to search for the beauty: the special things are hidden.
Manzanita. Can you find the tiny, winged creature?
Fuzzy white roots on a seedling pepper.
Wild Mustard in the hills.
Erigeron bud.
Tiny Forget-Me-Nots.
Coral Bells.
Borage buds.
Spider in the compost.
Red Maids, in the hills.
a tiny Tulip.
I love taking the time to walk around both my yard, and the open spaces around us, with an eye for tiny treasures. The fruit trees are gorgeous and showy, but everyone sees those. What can you find when you search for the hidden things?