Just now, cutting Calabrese peppers for drying, I noticed this:
I took it in a Forrest-Gump-follower sort of way, and decided it's going to be a good day.
Another sign of good luck is this guy, hanging upside down under an Hooker's Evening Primrose leaf:
S/he didn't mind me taking pictures at all, just looked at me calmly.
However, just to even things out a little bit, there are signs of not-so-great luck in the garden, too.
Squirrels are getting into the melons...
... and deer hop the fence, once in a great while, even with our tall deterrents. This gal didn't eat much other than some pumpkin leaves and some cosmos flowers.
The Labor Day chores include harvesting basil and making pesto for the freezer, fixing drip lines, turning the compost, seeding flats for the winter garden, and definitely some book reading, preferably in a very comfy chair. Grilled pork tenderloins with an herbed cornmeal rub and herbed focaccia are on the menu for tonight, making the most of our current herb garden bounty.
Happy Labor Day!