This month’s wreath is a little wild and crazy. I went to a local trail and found the same olive tree that we harvested olives from years ago, and cut several branches for this project. It was interesting because the tree had only a few olives, whereas back in early 2016 the thing was covered in ripe fruit. Olives do have heavy and light fruiting years, so I guess 2017 was light, then 2018 was heavy, and this crop will be ready in 2019 and it will be light.
Our own olive trees are full of fruit and looking beautiful, even though I really pruned them last year, trying to get them to develop a better form. It’s a little difficult because they are in containers, but they certainly don’t seem to mind that. And they are only a few years old.
Tom built me the raised asparagus bed today, and I’ve filled it with compost to finish over the winter. I also got all the last transplants and seeds into the ground, including the last of the sweet peas, and built three teepees for them to grow on. High hopes for a beautiful spring bloom. With daylight savings arriving, I am thinking about projects I can do indoors in the dark long evenings. I have the whittling that I started last year (I’ll have to develop calluses all over again), and I’m also thinking about an embroidery or cross-stitch fireplace screen. We never use our fireplace and right now it’s filled with XBox and Wii games that are out of favor. If any of you have ideas, I’m open to suggestions. Maybe even a painting or mosaic?
Pavonia missionum
Now, Tom and I are going to spend the hot part of the afternoon working on our ballots, sharing some opinions and ideas. We both feel strongly that this is an important election. Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend!