I subscribe to Modern Farmer, which used to be a print magazine but is now online only. I like their articles about modern farming practices, and they are deep into sustainability and accountability. They recently published a new report from the Cornucopia Institute about the best dairies in the country. The Institute supports economic justice for family-style farming. This particular report studies several aspects of dairy farming: 1) the percentage of grass in a cow’s diet; 2) How much pasture is available for grazing; 3) the level of control a brand has over its milk supply; and 4) How the farmer suppliers expand their milking herd.
I was anxious to read the report and find the best dairy in our area. We have been buying from Straus Family, mostly because they use glass bottles that can be reused, and they are an organic farm. But I was distressed to see them at only the ‘good’ level on this list. They did not meet the criteria for grass-fed. Here is the list.
The highest-rated farm in our area is Organic Pastures, which I have trouble finding in our local stores, so more research is needed there. Meanwhile there are several other options for us on that list, which is helpful. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of grass-fed milk is not homogenized. I do have trouble convincing my family to drink ‘lumpy milk.’ One brand that we like that IS homogenized is Maple Hill. It’s got a 5-cow rating from Cornucopia, which is great, and I can find it easily in our Whole Foods. I just wish I didn’t have to buy milk from New York! So I will keep searching for a local dairy that has milk that is just-right for us.
image credit: spruce eats
We have some beautiful flowers blooming right now.
sage-leaved rock rose
heirloom violas
Spring is definitely fully HERE. What’s happening in your garden? And where do you get your dairy products?